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Cleaning of Glass

This information is offered as a general guide only. Specific advice on the cleaning of glass should always be sought from a reputable glazier or professional window cleaner before any glass cleaning is undertaken.

Professional Cleaners

Professional glass cleaners have significant experience and access to equipment, materials, and methods which the general public may not. As professional glass cleaners are acknowledged experts in the cleaning glass, we offer the information on this page as general advice only for the professional glass cleaner to consider as part of the development of their own cleaning processes.

Instructions to all trades and individuals

Always follow the manufacturer’s installation and cleaning instructions. It is recommended that glass be protected from contamination caused by building materials and methods during construction as this will greatly simplify the glass cleaning task at the end of the project. If the glass is not protected during construction then glass and frames should be cleaned frequently during construction. Construction dust, leachate from concrete and rusting from steel can contribute to the formation of mild chemicals. These may stain or otherwise damage the glass.

Glass should be cleaned using only cleaning materials free of grit and debris (to avoid scratching and marking the glass surface). Only detergents and cleaning solutions that are recommended for cleaning glass should be used. Mild detergents are preferable.

Extra care is necessary where high-performance reflective glass is installed. The coated surface can be susceptible to stains and scratches and therefore requires vigilance during the full construction process.

Temporary screens should be installed if welding, sandblasting, floor sanding, cutting or other potentially damaging construction practices take place near the glass. Glass installations that are adjacent to concrete (e.g. concrete slab floors) require extra care and cleaning due to the abrasive nature of concrete dust. All tradespeople should be advised to be aware of damaging glass and windows and to leave in place any materials protecting the windows or glass.

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